NTA Ilocos Norte headed by officer-in-charge Luzviminda U. Padayao inspected on November 17 the transplantable tobacco seedlings of Bernardo Acidera, farmer cooperator of the agency’s Improved Tobacco Seedling Production (ISTP) project, in barangay Macupit in Bacarra, Ilocos Norte.

Padayao, along with Branch Inventory Committee headed by Elaine A. Tinio, also visited seedbeds of two seedling growers in Dadaeman, Pasuquin; one in Tangaoan and one in Sucsuquen, both in Piddig; one in Lydia, Marcos; and one in Sacritan, Pinili to start the inventory of 38 project modules in the province this cropping season.

Farmer cooperators in Bacarra and Pasuquin produce Burley seedlings, while the rest in other municipalities produce Virginia Improved Flavor. The seedlings ready for transplanting will be distributed free of charge to tobacco growers in Ilocos Norte.

Joining the monitoring team were other members of the inventory committee: Senior TPRO and project coordinator Saturnino A. Agatep, Supervising TPRO Divina D. Pagdilao, and Accountant III Valentino L. Valdez.

[Text/photo: Divina D. Pagdilao]

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