Mandates and Functions
Under its charter, the NTA, as the sole tobacco agency, was given two mandates, namely:
1. Improve the economic and living conditions and raise the quality of life of the tobacco farmers including those who depend upon the industry for their livelihood; and
2. Promote the balanced and integrated growth and development of the tobacco industry to help make agriculture a solid base for industrialization.
Additional Mandate: In addition, Section 33 of Republic Act No. 9211, entitled, Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003, mandates the NTA to implement the following programs and projects:
- Tobacco Growers Assistance Program to support financially the NTA registered tobacco farmers who may be displaced due to the implementation of the said RA or has voluntarily ceased planting tobacco;
- Promote Tobacco Growers Cooperative Program to assist tobacco farmers in developing alternative farming systems, plant alternative crops and other livelihood projects;
- National Tobacco Free Public Education Program to provide scholarship for dependents of tobacco farmers in collaboration with state colleges and universities;
- Research and Development Program to undertake studies concerning technologies and methods to reduce the risk of dependence on or injury from tobacco product usage and exposure and development of alternative uses of tobacco and similar research programs.
Powers and Functions
To effectively pursue the aforementioned mandates, the NTA has been entrusted with the powers and functions to:
Promulgate and enforce rules and regulations on the production, standardization, classification, grading and trading of tobacco products as may be necessary to attain its purposes and objectives;
Conduct agricultural and industrial research and establish, operate and maintain research stations;
Accept and receive financial and other support from private and other sources for the development and promotion of the Philippine tobacco industry;
Provide incentives and other financial assistance to tobacco growers and associations, directly or in conjunction with accredited financial institutions; and
Impose administrative sanctions for violations of the rules and regulations issued by the NTA.
Sub categories
Meet the Administrator
Mandates and Functions
Vision and Mission
Organizational Structure
Directory of Officials