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NTA expands “Oras ni Mannalon ti Tabako” broadcast coverage

THE National Tobacco Ad¬ministration has expanded coverage for its “Oras ni Mannalon ti Tabako” Radio Program for 2014-2015 to¬bacco cropping season, with additional three radio sta-tions, bringing to six radio programs for its branch of¬fices in Region 1 and Abra.

OMT programs started its broadcast in five radio sta¬tions: DZVV Vigan (Decem¬ber 6), DZTP Candon (De¬cember 15), DZPA Bangued (December 14), DZSO San Fernando City and DZVR Laoag City (December 13).

Engr. Jesusa Calano, Agriculturist I of NTA Ilocos Norte Branch Office, anchors “Oras ni Mannalon ti Tabako” (OMT) radio program of the National Tobacco Administration at DZVR Bombo Radyo in Laoag City.

The sixth OMT program will start its broadcast in DZRD Dagupan on February 6, 2015.

OMT, a component of the agency’s Communication Support Program, had its successful run (November to March) in three radio sta¬tions last cropping season. Since its relaunching during crop year 2011-2012, OMT has been aired weekly (No¬vember to March) in DZVV, DZTP, and DZPA.

Programs in DZVR and DZSO have twice-a-month schedule while the program in DZRD has monthly sched¬ule from February to June. Except for DZPA (15 mins) and DZRD (1 hr), each OMT program is aired for 30 min¬utes.

The expansion of cover¬age was brought out during the meeting of OMT proj¬ect coordinators from the different branch offices last November 28 at NTA Can¬don Branch Office. Assess¬ment of listeners, per survey results, gave the program a high score on technol¬ogy transfer and information about NTA projects and pro¬grams, according to Neyo Valdez, PRO III, central of¬fice project coordinator.

OMT Anchors of the dif¬ferent radio stations are as follows: Nora Corre (DZPA), Adonis Lazo and Marcelia Pulgar (DZTP), Jose Taclas Jr. and Noralyn Idica (DZVV), Jesusa Cala¬no (DZVR), Elizabeth Biala (DZRD), Aurie Nellie Tum¬baga (DZSO).

The OMT radio program has been helping the agency in upgrading the knowledge and competencies of tobac¬co farmers on quality pro¬duction. The program also serves as a venue to clarify issues, particularly on the to¬bacco price and grading sys¬tem during the trading sea¬son. The interaction with the farmers through the broad¬cast is also a good supple¬ment to technology updating being conducted regularly by the agency’s extension workers.

The OMT program is un¬der the direct supervision of the branch manager of the covered area.
