NTA Administrator Robert Victor G. Seares Jr implemented timely policies and procedures to keep employees safe during the pandemic and established inclusive partnerships across various stakeholders as the industry prepares for the upcoming tobacco season.

His administration also finalized the formulation of the Sustainable Tobacco Enhancement Program (STEP), the five-year industry roadmap, for the modernization and industrialization of the tobacco industry.

These were the highlights in his report of first 100 days in office, held on September 29 at the NTA Central Office in Quezon City.

The event was attended by Deputy Administrator for Operations Roberto R. Bonoan, Director Rodolfo F. Salanga of the NTA Governing Board, and Department Managers, other senior officials and staff

The Administrator said that he knew before he accepted the position the challenges confronting the tobacco growers, and the impact of COVID-19 on every aspect of the industry. “However, I was convinced that with cooperation and teamwork, we can work our way through the new reality we are facing,” he said.

His assumption to office was unprecedented in the history of the agency as he succeeded his father, the late Administrator Robert L. Seares, who suddenly died of illness in the early part of the metro-wide lockdown in March. President Rodrigo Roa Duterte signed his appointment as NTA Administrator and Chief Executive Officer on June 10, 2020.

Seares, a former mayor of Dolores, Abra, vowed to continue the priority programs of his late father, but with “renewed resolve to gain more success” as the industry navigates COVID both in the short-term and long-term.

He admitted that the current pandemic has prevented him to visit tobacco farmers and other stakeholders in the provinces. “But this has not discouraged me to really work hard,” he quipped.

He has been attending one virtual meeting to another in constant dialogue with the Operations Group and various stakeholders, especially tobacco growers to evaluate current programs and prepare for the cropping season.

He has approved plans and budget and related communications on various corporate priority programs such as the Tobacco Contract Growing System, Rice Production, Synchronized Tree Planting Activities, NTA Kadiwa ni Ani at Kita, and Livelihood Programs.

He met with the Operations Group to plan for the implementation of various components of the Tobacco Block Farm and continue other interventions to assist the farmers during the pandemic.

He reported that in a recent dialog with the private sector, he secured strong partnerships and sustained cooperation from private partners in addressing major industry issues. He received pledges from the manufacturers to increase their purchase commitment for locally produced tobacco.

In the coming days, he said he will continue agency efforts to bolster NTA’s collaboration and interactions with the local government units.

“We will discuss with our local executives on how they can use a bulk of their resources sourced from their shares of the tobacco excise tax to set up programs and projects to increase productivity and income of their local farmers,” he said.

Seares joined the NTA Management Team in July as the agency prepared and successfully passed the ISO 9001:2015 1st surveillance audit for recertification.

“This is significant for me, not only for the fact that the ISO certification was earned during my father’s term, but also for the realization that I have the same committed team that provides customers with the highest level of products and services within the organization’s policy and objectives,” he said.

“Looking back in my first 100 days in office, I can say that I am incredibly proud of how the NTA community has come together to work with me starting day one,” he said.

“We are known to be a resilient agency, and so I have a firm belief that we will get through these tough times,” he added.

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