THE satisfaction levels of tobacco growers for the implementation of the programs, projects and activities of the agency for Crop Year 2017-2018 are at its highest.

Using the 5-point Likert scale, with performance rating of 5 as Excellent and 1 as Poor, the Performance Scorecard of NTA is consistently exceptional in all areas of efficiency and effectiveness as demonstrated by a high overall mean rating of 4.76 (“Strongly Agree”) which is higher than last year’s 4.36 rating.

This was reported by Neyo E. Valdez, focal person of the Customer Satisfaction Determination, during the management review of the implementation of the agency’s Quality Management System (QMS) on June 7 at the NTA Board Room.

Summary of table of ratings of the indicators of efficiency and effectiveness of NTA by industry stakeholders

The survey was conducted last year by the Mariano Marcos State University (MMSU) in Batac City, an independent third party, commissioned by the NTA.

This implies that NTA is not complacent of its achievements of efficiency and effectiveness in previous years as it is continuously improving its systems and procedures to fulfilling its mandate to deliver better quality services.

Given the outstanding ratings, NTA is one government-owned and -controlled corporation that has truly adhered to the mandate of high standards of efficiency, effectiveness, and good governance. As such, NTA has become an effective catalyst of development ensuring its primary stakeholders the satisfaction of their needs and standards and their expectation of a better quality of life.

This is the fourth year that the agency got excellent (extremely satisfactory) mark in the customer satisfaction survey. In the 2016 and 2017 Surveys conducted by the Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College (ISPSC), and by MMSU in 2018, farmers and private sector clients gave an excellent (extremely satisfactory) mark to the programs, projects, activities, and services which they availed of in the covered crop year.

The purpose of the survey is to solicit feedbacks from the various NTA clients as regards the efficiency and effectiveness of the policies, systems and procedures underlying its different programs, projects, activities, and services.

The survey probed customer’s satisfaction among the various projects and services provided by NTA in Crop Year 2017-2018, and assessed the performance of NTA vis-à-vis its declared objectives of quality performance along the following indicators: efficiency and effectivity of staff and organization, quality of products and services, effectiveness of training programs and workshops, handling of complaints and record keeping, ease of information and communication, facilities, and ource of information.

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