NTA La Union has completed the evaluation of tobacco farmers vying for the Tobacco Growers of the Year (TGY) Award, provincial level, for crop year 2020-2021

.The TGY Branch Technical Committee, headed by Branch Manager Dr. Giovanni B. Palabay, visited recently all the contestants for the evaluation: six farmers of Virginia Improved Flavor in the First District of the province and four farmers of Native Batek in the Second District.

They are, for Virginia Improved Flavor, Richard Comadre of Camiling, Balaoan; Olidan of Butubut Sur, Balaoan, Nick Navalta of Calliat, Balaoan; Pedro Navor of Patpata, Balaoan; Reynaldo Gatmen of Cadapli, Bangar; and Michelle Valdez Pagaan, Santol; and, for Native Batek, Elena Rimando of Payocpoc Norte Weste, Bauang; Virgilio Garcia Sr. of Cupang, Sto. Tomas; Leonardo Hidalgo of Payocpoc Norte Weste, Bauang; and Mark Jerome Tejano of Nagrebcan, Bauang.

The TGY contestants are rated according to crop stand, yield and quality of cured leaves, and income. Provincial winners for each tobacco type will compete with other farmers showing exemplary efforts in tobacco farming in the TGY National Level.[In Photos] The TGY Branch Technical Committee checks on the curing barn/cured leaves, farm recording, and farm facilities of Richard Comadre, contestant for Virginia Improved Flavor category, in Barangay Camiling in Balaoan on March 17.

[Source: NTA Launion FB account / Photo: Gerylle Vanmarie Palabay]

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