NTA Ilocos Norte OIC Luzviminda U. Padayao visited on April 14 the Tobacco Monitoring Point at the Ilocos Norte-Ilocos Sur boundary along the national highway in Sta. Cruz, Badoc Ilocos Norte to personally see and evaluate tobacco deliveries going out of the province.

The Branch Office set up checkpoints in major exits in Ilocos Norte to monitor transport of tobacco outside the province as a protocol in ensuring that tobacco production in Ilocos Norte are properly documented and checking if the leaf buyers involved in the transport have proper documents issued by the NTA.

According to Divina D. Pagdilao, acting chief of Branch Operations, shippers of tobacco leaves must also present at the checkpoint the following documents: License/COA (certificate of authority), or proof of registration, Permit to Transport Certificates on Inspection Copies, Consolidated Purchase Invoice Vouchers (for Buying Stations) and Consolidated Certificate of Purchases (for field canvassers).

Trucks of tobaccos are delivered to buying stations and other licensed buyers in Ilocos Sur and La Union.Pagdilao, along with Saturnino A. Agatep, acting Senior TPRO, and Jan Jan A. Gudoy, TPRO, joined Manager Padayao during the visit.Manning the checkpoint that day were on-duty officers from the 2nd Provincial Mobile Force Company, PSSG Mark Anthony Agapay Patrolman Clark Ryan Gamit, two of the eight PMFC officers assigned at the said monitoring point during the tobacco trading season.

[Photo credit: Joel Pambid]

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