CY 2014 | CY 2015 | CY2016 | CY2017 | CY2018 |
National Tobacco Administration
Accomplishment Report on Programs/Projects
CY 2018
I. Technology Assistance, Extension and Production Support Services:
1. Integrated Farming and Other Income Generating Activities Project (IFOIGAP) | |
1.1. Tobacco Contract Growing System (TCGS) A total of 5,838 tobacco farmers with an area of 3,600 hectares, were extended production assistance in the form of cash, fertilizers, pesticides and suckecides for crop year 2018-2019. There as an increase of 26% in the number of farmers (from 2017-2018's 4,617). Area planted also increased by 27%, from the previous year's2,841 hectares. Total production assistance extended to date,amounts to PhP79.3 million. Thisrepresents the cost of fertilizers/pesticides 20%of the which, aregiven as subsidy to the farmers in CY 2018. |
1.2. Seeds (80.24 kgs) of true-to-type tobacco varieties were distributed to TCGS farmer-beneficiaries free of charge. | |
1.3. Rice Production Project A total of 2,426 farmer-cooperators with an area of 1,897 hectares, were granted production/loan assistance in CY 2018, in the total amount of PhP20 million.Most of the tobacco farmer-beneficiaries however, were affected by typhoon "Ompong". Thus, to help the farmers, the Governing Board passed a resolution to lengthen their paying period to 7 years from the original after-season payment scheme. |
2. Curing Barn Assistance Project (CBAP)
A total of 3,336tobacco farmers were extendedassistance for construction/repair of their curing barns and curing sheds. The total subsidy of PhP50 million was released/obligated for the year.A subsidy of Php10,000 was likewise allotted for every repair/construction and the remaining amount to be paid in 4 years.
Due to typhoon Ompong, some curing barns were damaged, thus the agency extended a PhP2,000.00 cash assistance for those affected.
3. Irrigation Facility Assistance/Farm Tractor Support Project
Facility assistance for the purchase of water pumps were granted to 65 of tobacco farmers of Abra, while 50 tractor units were loaned out to tobacco-based cooperatives in the tobacco-producing provinces of Regions 1, 2 and CAR (Abra). These were funded by the agency's Corporate funds.
4. Livelihood Training Courses for Tobacco Farming Families | ||
a. Agripinoy Food Processing Plant and Training Center | ||
a.1 With the availability of the facilities of the plant located in Narvacan, I. Sur, 20 trainees have undergone training on Hog Butcheringwith the funds and expertise coming fromTESDA, Ilocos Sur; | ||
a.2 A total of 498 hogs were purchased amounting PhP6.75 M, which were processed into various meat products by the plant and were sold in the nearby provinces. | ||
a.3 The agency conducted orientation to the proposed availees of the Hog Fattening for CY 2019; | ||
b. Farmers Organizational Development | ||
b.1 Trainings on food processing, noodle, bread and pastry making, agro-mechanic and sari-sari store managementwere given to the different provinces in Regions I, II and CAR. A total of 1,269 tobacco farmers/dependents were trained. This is in coordination with TESDA and other resource persons. | ||
&b.2 To develop farmers capabilities in organization devt. and management of cooperatives, trainings were conducted to 102 tobacco farmers in the aspects of audit management, conflict management and parliamentary procedures.nbsp; |
5. Communication Support, Education and Information Campaign
- Published and distributed Philippine Tobacco News, a bi-monthly newsletter, including its Ilokano Edition, exclusively for farmers.
- Implemented the "Oras ni Mannalon ti Tabako" radio program to disseminate technologies and other information related to tobacco production and other projects of the NTA.
6. National Tobacco-Free Education for Tobacco Farmers' Dependents (pursuant to R.A. 9211)
Since 2012 up to the present, a total number of 1,360 dependents of tobacco farmers have been assisted through this program. They were enrolled in various SUCs in Regions I, II and CAR. 291 have graduated, out of which, 152 are already employed.For SY 2017-2018, 246 students were added to the list.
II. Research and Development Services
On Agricultural Research, Tobacco Germplasm Collection, Maintenance and Characterization is continually implemented to preserve the various seed varieties and the Monitoring of Soil and Water Quality in the Different tobacco growing provinces. These is being implemented by the Farm Technology Services Dept.
Under the Industrial Research Department, studies were conducted to find alternative uses of tobacco, one of which was the "Scale Up Production and Demonstration Trails on the Use of Tobacco Leaf Extract Emulsion"; Tobacco Handmade Paper production: Technology enhancements and prototyping of novelty items"; and "Spent Tea Leaves and Tobacco Dust as Additive to Plywood Adhesive", spearheaded by the FPRDI, Los BaƱos, Laguna.
On Capability Enhancement for Quality Assurance, a total of 458 participants composed of TPROs, Agriculturists, Tobacco Company Graders and Farmer Leaders were trained on the Harmonized Grades of Tobacco. Two training centers were provided funding under RA 4155 for the establishment of training centers in Abra and Tagudin, Ilocos Sur.
III. Regulatory Services
This program involves the exercise of regulatory authority of the NTA, to include the supervision of tobacco trading operations, the setting up of floor prices for tobacco through the conduct of the biennial tripartite conference, the implementation of regulatory procedures on the redrying, preliminary processing of tobacco leaf and the regulation of importation and exportation.
On the aspect of monitoring/enforcement, the NTA assures equitable trading to include, accurate weighing, proper grading, proper pricing, prompt payment and proper documentation, pursuant to existing rules and regulations.
There were various commodity clearances/import/export permits issued to57 Importers/Exporters/Manufacturers and Licenses were likewise issued to Trading Centers/Wholesale Tobacco Dealers/Redrying Plants.
IV. Infrastructure projects include the following:
- Construction of Training Centers in Abra and Tagudin (funded by R.A. 4155);
- Repair of Branch Offices damaged by typhoon Lawin (Vigan, Cagayan, Candon, Batac, Agripinoy, Tobacco Dust Plant) funded from Corporate funds.